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5 Powerful Reasons to Pick Android App Development Over iOS

Android App Development
Android App Development

Before you read thoroughly 5 powerful reasons to pick Android app development over iOS, ask yourself whether you can make your own preferences or not for your business. Your answer will obviously be no.

Because the success of your business is completely dependent on wise decisions in terms of choosing a perfect platform for getting an application built, you need to conduct some deep research of the market, the reaction of users, the latest technology, current trend, the budget of the people you run your services for, their mindset, the season of your marketplace and other factors to know exactly which platform is suitable for your business, especially if you are a startup and don’t have much experience, money, knowledge and so on.

Having considered all these points, we have made a list of 5 convincing points to choose Android app development over iOS.

5 Benefits of Choosing Android App Development Over iOS:

1. Reaching More Potential Customers

Most smartphone users use Android phones in comparison to iPhones. An Android app can run on more devices than iOS, which means you can make your way to more and more potential customers by having access to a large number of people through your app.

Paid apps tend to have fewer downloads, but free ones mean your app will be downloaded by more and more people, thus you can reach them and know their activities, attitudes, needs, and the like to customize your services or products according to them. By doing so, your business will make a handsome profit in a short span of time.

2. Easy Installation

It’s easy to download an Android app from any website, not only from Google Play Store. Apart from Google Play Store, you can have your app hosted on a third-party website.

You can have this by means of Android’s software development kit. Moreover, you can also install the app on the device directly, or using the command line. Due to this, more users can be reached, which is a huge reason to invest in Android app development over iOS.

3. Compatibility With More Devices

The one reason Android is the king of the smartphone market is its ability to run more devices than iOS. People creating devices supporting Android apps are more than those made for iOS.

The reason behind this is that more people use Android phones, due to their being affordable. Due to this, it’s better to go for Android application development than iOS.

4. SMO Benefit

Android is considered the perfect and most suitable platform for developing social applications. A mobile application representing a business has to incorporate social media capabilities because it is one of the most powerful ways for marketing.

Furthermore, Android apps can also integrate with many social media websites, which makes it easier for companies to make personal connections with their customers. Having your app linked to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on means you will have a large amount of user engagement.

5. Convenience for Developers

A developer can learn more about Android platforms easily. They can use it with much more ease than other platforms. This platform uses Java, which is very easy for a developer to learn.

When it comes to iOS apps, they have to pick up Objective-C or Swift, which are tough for them, and they are Apple’s development language. These languages are important only for those building iOS apps. However, in the case of Android app development, you are not required to hire high-paid talents, as in the case of iOS. Even if you have an inexperienced developer, you can teach them about it to build markevious apps on Android.


In this blog, you learn about the 5 powerful reasons to pick Android app development over iOS. The points we used to choose Android app development over iOS are more user access, integration with more devices, simplicity to learn for developers, and so on.


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